Wednesday, April 25, 2007

im pisssed off...

i cant stop thinking about your last message.

"u will regret this day! ill show u im worth it"

it takes two to
ur telling me that the reason why we ended this way is all my fault.
you should have asked yourself why.
probably u did something that really struck my last nerve.

i hate it when u make me feel so worthless
like one time when u told me that i wont go anywhere with my chosen carreer.
How dare u say that?!?!
i know uve achieved alot already
but to tell me that im a failurewell...F*#K YOU!

everything has been easy for you
ur a rich girl
everything has been provided for you
all your life u never had to experience the things that i ve experienced before.

its just sad that ur the first person who would actually make me feel bad about myself
considering that you're one of the persons that I run to for guidance.
Stupid me....

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